Creative Play, Inspiration, Mindfulness.
open up to what lights you up inside, explore what you value and better understand who you are and how to reconnect with yourself, your magic and the world around you.
create boundaries in your life with the things (ie. phone, social media, burnout) the people, and the activities that are distracting you from understanding your zone of genius.
commit to daily rest, self-care, creative play and 'unplugging' rituals to support your overall well-being.
understand that asking for help and sharing your heart desires isn't always easy... And, when in supportive environments and inspired community it allows you to connect authentically with others and share in a safe place.
be brave and ask for what you need and want out-loud.
be open to the idea that self care, daily rest & unplugging rituals will help support your physical body to activate the portal to your creative inspiration.
be curious about trusting intuition, inner wisdom and heart-led decisions.
responsibly infuse your everyday life with rest, ease, flow and creativity.
understand that the old ways won’t get you to the place you actually want to be and you are open to trying something new.
retire the 'YES' to everything life - even if it means uncomfortable conversations.

“People don't believe me when I tell them I'm a magician who makes portals to other worlds. So I tell them I'm a writer instead.”
― Genesis Quihuis
This program is for those curious and ready to dive into deep reflective work that creates the environment for inspired action and sacred community to be seen, felt and heard. A safe place to share, grow, heal and transform into a living a life with more meaning and purpose. Together we create a supportive, authentic and real experience so you can thrive, be open to change and meet the specific needs of where you are right now.
Through practical bite size practices of daily reflections, creative play, meditation and active listening we continue to expand into living a life that feels aligned with purpose, intention and presence aligned with your deepest heart desires and the ability to shine your magic and create the life of your dreams. If you are longing to dream, willing to transform and curious to live a more conscious life... come play Magic with me. ✨

Program Option 1 - $2800 CAD+hst
July 24th - September 15th, 2023
*Limited Space
Live Call Dates:
July - 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Aug - 1, 8, 15, 22
*In Person Retreat: September 15 (*extra cost to day retreat)
(All live calls will be in (EDT) and will be recorded.)
Program Includes:
1:1 Coaching call with Nikki
Nikki Magic Love Package
Online Group Sessions via Zoom
Live Hot Seat Coaching Sessions
Private WhatsApp Group to share creative inspiration & weekly check-ins
Monthly Guided Self Retreat (Commitment to carve out monthly self-retreats to build on self-care routines & rest practices
You. Me. Magical Beings.
Registration Closes July 19th, 2023
(Open to all curious humans ;)
Program Option 2 - $3450 CAD+hst
*Limited Space
Live Call Dates:
July - 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Aug - 1, 8, 15, 22
In Person Retreat: September 15 (Included)
(All live calls will be in (EDT) and will be recorded.)
Program Includes:
1:1 Coaching call with Nikki
Nikki Magic Love Package
Online Group Sessions via Zoom
Live Hot Seat Coaching Sessions
Private WhatsApp Group to share creative inspiration & weekly check-ins
Monthly Guided Self Retreat (Commitment to carve out monthly self-retreats to build on self-care routines & rest practices
You. Me. Magical Beings.
Registration Closes July 19th, 2023
(Open to all curious humans ;)

When you take the time to lay down and close your eyes as an intentional practice, a light switch of cosmic proportions turns on inside of you. - Octavia Raheem

July 24th - 28th
Guided Meditation & Self-Study Morning Practice
6am-7am (EDT)
NIKKI MAGIC Daily Creative Workshop
9am-10am (EDT)
Daily Q&A + Group Hot Seat Coaching
10am-11am (EDT)
1:1 Coaching Calls w/ Nikki
Monthly Guided Self Retreat
Weekly Check-Ins
Month Theme: Cultivating creative ritual, self-love practices and personal responsibility.

August 1, 8, 15, 22
6am-7am (EDT) Yoga Nidra Meditation
Creative Journaling, Welcoming Wisdom Body - Intuition & Heart Desires
Monthly Guided Self Retreat
Weekly Check-Ins
Month Theme: Creating a relationship with deep listening through the practice of rest, meditation and creative writing.

Friday, September 15th
New Moon Portal Day Retreat
Location: Nikki's Country Home Caledon, Ontario
Month Theme: Sacred Community and the possibility to... 'dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.'

A brave offering on November 4th, 2023.
What is the biggest YES of your life?
Are you ready to share your FUTURSELF live in front of a sacred group? Get ready to choose BRAVE!
"I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both. Not at the same time.” - Brene Brown
*To apply to perform your FUTURSELF live you must have participated in a NIKKI MAGIC Program or Retreat.

Quiet the Noise
During this program you will be invited to bring in the practice of deep rest, meditation, silence and 'unplugging' from the outside world. I cannot tell you how nourishing and life changing this practice can be.
I invite you all to set your 'Unplug' Intention before the program begins. If you live with others (spouse, kids, etc.), ensure you have a conversation before you begin the program to share with them about why this experience is important for you and that you are planning on deepening your commitment to disconnecting for the week. Creating clear conversations with our loved ones helps integrate our experience and supports our expectations.
In order for us to completely have the opportunity to nourish our mind/body and tune into our magical intuitive self we must first provide the space and then allow for to fully 'unplug' and get quiet. Practicing silence allows us to get grounded, when too many things around us are moving constantly. This is not always an easy practice but it is one that I promise you will allow your to understand how we numb ourselves with the daily noise/distraction that keeps us busy and away from our most true magical self. When we allow to get quiet and nourish our mind/body the creative being arrives and we tune into the present moment.
Loud noises over 30 decibels increase high anxiety, stress and blood pressure. Silence lowers blood pressure and allows us to deal with life’s challenges in a better way and helps boost our immune system lowering blood cortisol and adrenaline levels. Silence recharges our mind and allows us to get out of our survival and reactive mode of living and thinking. While sleep reboots the mind, silence recharges it and helps to calm the emotions down, detaching from the situation and make more informed decisions. When we allow the opportunity daily to disable our speech and our daily distractions to have an we begin to get a glimpse of our magic, heart centre listening and unveil our deepest dreams and ambitions - it's like revealing the sun behind the clouds. Calming our mind removes the thoughts (clouds), and the spirit; our Higher Self can then shine through.

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. Yoga nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation.
iRest® Yoga Nidra is a profound, yet accessible, meditation practice that systematically combines deep relaxation, affirmation, breathing, mindfulness, visualization and self-inquiry to facilitate the integration of body, mind, and spirit. It is guided meditation that is easy to follow and accessible to everyone who is open in finding a deeper connection to true health, healing, and peace of mind.I like to refer to yoga nidra as yoga napping that allows for deep relaxation to deepen your meditation practice.
During Cancer treatment I remember feeling an immense amount of peace and expansion during what most would have assumed to be ‘the most traumatic’ experience of their lives.At the time I didn’t really understand this true peace and creativity flowing through my body but I learned quickly to surrender to it and love my whole self for being alive and welcomed all and any sensations present.It was after treatment that I needed 'iRest' the most - not 'get back to life' so to speak.Truly surrender. Something that became so natural during treatment had quickly drifted away and I didn’t know how to get back to the peaceful bits… the little nuggets of joy and I was craving deep connection and most of all sleep and relaxation.
Yoga Nidra Meditation has given me the tools to understand that during this time I was in ‘awareness’ and the state of ‘pure being’ accepting ‘what is’ and welcoming all that is present with no expectations of changing or fixing anything, just acknowledging that my mind was telling me “I want to live” when in fact “I am alive”.Cancer really taught me to live life day by day and to truly feel emotions as they appear and welcome them in.iRest teaches you to go a step further by welcoming what is present and maybe even ‘inviting them in for tea’.Imagine anger or frustration was present... now imagine welcoming anger or frustration in for a tea party?!Regular practice of iRest, ‘a little and often’ enables you to feel a bit softer, lighter in your day… maybe soften the sharp edges of the ‘daily grind’.
Imagine – Nothing to do… Nowhere to go…
You are healthy, whole, and complete just as you are. Untouched by anything or anyone. Everything you need is within you. Feel that. Feel your true nature - the vitality of your magic in your body.
Yoga Nidra Benefits
Increase vitality
Deep healing and relaxation
Allows your body to rest and reset in 'conscious deep sleep'
Enhance concentration
Emotional and physical healing
Reduce stress
Lower blood pressure
Change habits that no longer serve you
Clear negative thoughts and beliefs
Encourage love and compassion for self and for others