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Creative Mindset Soul Coaching Program



Mind | Body | Spirit Connection

April 1st, 2022 - July 17th, 2022

*Open to all curious humans.

Nikki Magic 108days to MYFUTURSELF is an online group program working specifically with the MYFUTURSELF daily journaling practice, yoga nidra and hot seat coaching to help nourish our creative intuition and commit to actionable steps to our deepest heart desires... the biggest 'yes' of our life right now! ​


  • daily AM/PM 5min journaling practice 

  • weekly drop in yoga nidra meditation/breathwork & creative journaling practice

  • weekly check-in with journaling prompts with online private group

  • monthly drop-in workshop & hot seat coaching with Nikki

Nikki Magic programs are inspired community, focusing on creating environments for us to share our dreams and commit to inspired action in a holistic approach to the mind/body/sprit through a mix of practical mindset and daily retreat practices to support the well being of your physical, mental and spiritual health. 

In all her programs she is helping people towards everyday balance, establishing core values, boundaries, emotional agility, creative intuition & imagination, presence in ordinary moments and daily ritual to unlock their full potential, create inspired action and vibrational matches for what they are manifesting and deepen their relationship with living a life with more meaning and purpose. 

This program is for those curious and ready to dive into deep reflective work that creates the environment for inspired action and sacred community to be seen, felt and heard.  A safe place to share, grow, heal and transform into a living a life with more meaning and purpose. Together we create a supportive, authentic and real experience so you can thrive, be open to change and meet the specific needs of where you are right now. 

Through practical bite size practices of daily journaling reflections, meditation and active listening we continue to expand into living a life that feels aligned with purpose, intention and presence aligned with your deepest heart desires and the ability to shine your magic and create the life of your dreams. ✨



April 1st, 2022 - July 17th, 2022


(Reg $1850CAD+hst)

Open to all curious humans ;)

Book before March 31st, 2022:

​If you sign up to Nikki Magic 10week Creative Mindset Coaching Program below before March 30th, 2022 you gain free access to the 108days to MYFUTURSELF Program and one 45min 1on1 Coaching Call with Nikki

Program Includes:

  • MYFUTURSELF Digital Daily Journal

  • MYFUTURSELF Workshop - April 1st, 2022 

  • Weekly Drop-In 1hr Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling (Starting April 6th, 2022 | Wednesday - 12:00pm -1:00pm (EST) *sessions will be recorded)

  • Private online group platform to share weekly homework 'check-ins/inspired action' and journaling prompts.

  • Drop-In Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Nikki Live via Zoom 

  • Monthly Guided Self Retreat (Invitation to carve our monthly self-retreats to build on self-care routines

  • You. Me. Magical Beings.

Day1 of 108 April 1st, 2021

Daily Journaling - 12:00pm -1:00pm (EST) 

Starting April 6th, 2021

Wednesday Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling - 12:00pm -1:00pm (EST) 

Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching with Nikki

1:00pm - 2:30pm (EST)

Dates: April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th


  • 108 days of MYFUTURSELF Daily Journaling (10-15mins daily)

  • Weekly Wednesday Check-In with the online private group (10-15mins weekly)

  • Weekly 1hr Drop-In Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling (1hr weekly)

  • Drop-In Monthly Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching (1.5hr)

  • Monthly Self-Retreat (1hr-full day)

Time Commitment:  This program was designed to have a more relaxed self-study/reflective feel with drop-in classes. It is completely up to you how much time you dedicated to the program.  The above commitment times are approximate and everyone experiences the daily practice in their own personal way.

Nikki Magic is a combination of all of the things I love and all the practical tools that I use daily to live a Creative, Inspired and Mindful life. I believe that everyone has Magic within them and when we use our own personal supernatural forces to unleash our most authentic heartfelt desires, it unveils the Magic!  

In this 20week program we open up all the senses and we find Inspiration, Creativity, Playfulness, Community and Responsibility for our Inner Being.  A beautiful mix of mindset and daily retreat practices that support the well being of your physical, mental and spiritual health. 

Nikki helps support and guide people towards finding everyday balance, presence in ordinary moments and daily ritual so they can unlock their full potential.   Through practical bite size practices of daily reflections, meditation and active listening we continue to expand into living a life that feels aligned with purpose, intention and presence with your deepest heart desires.

Morning light with Beautiful Attractive Asian woman practice yoga Dead Body or Savasana on the pool


12:00pm-1:00pm (EST) - Yoga Nidra & Creative Journaling with open circle sharing opportunities

The early morning Wednesday Morning Yoga Nidra Meditation & Creative Journaling with Nikki is an offering for those who would like to deepen their Yoga Nidra meditation & creative journaling practice. It is a great opportunity to put the NIKKI MAGIC practices into direct experience in a safe and loving community. All sessions will be recorded.

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Friday, April 1st, 2022
12:00pm-1:00pm (EST)

Creating your Dream Journey
Guided Meditation & Understanding the Daily Journaling Practice.



Wednesday, April 1st, 2022

Day 1 of 108 days to MYFUTURSELF

Wednesday Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling

12:00pm-1:00pm (EST) - Yoga Nidra & Creative Journaling

Dates: April 6, 13, 20, 27

Wednesday, April 6th, 2021

1:00pm-2:30pm (EST) 

Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Nikki Live via Zoom (session will be recorded)

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Wednesday Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling

12:00pm-1:00pm (EST) - Yoga Nidra & Creative Journaling

Dates: May 4, 11, 18, 25

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

1:00pm-2:30pm (EST) 

Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Nikki Live via Zoom (session will be recorded)



Wednesday Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling

12:00pm-1:00pm (EST) - Yoga Nidra & Creative Journaling

Dates: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

1:00pm-2:30pm (EST) 

Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Nikki Live via Zoom (session will be recorded)

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Wednesday Yoga Nidra Meditation & Journaling

12:00pm-1:00pm (EST) - Yoga Nidra & Creative Journaling

Dates: July 6, 13

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

1:00pm-2:30pm (EST) 

Workshop & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Nikki Live via Zoom (session will be recorded)

Sunday, July 17th | Day 108 of 108 days to MYFUTURSELF



Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
9:00am-11:00am (EST)

Join Nikki on her birthday for a special Nikki Magic Workshop where she shares her birthday reflection rituals, and special practices to create a Yearly Dream Map for planting the seeds of magic of the year ahead!




Morning light with Beautiful Attractive Asian woman practice yoga Dead Body or Savasana on the pool


Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. Yoga nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation.

iRest® Yoga Nidra is a profound, yet accessible, meditation practice that systematically combines deep relaxation, affirmation, breathing, mindfulness, visualization and self-inquiry to facilitate the integration of body, mind, and spirit. It is guided meditation that is easy to follow and accessible to everyone who is open in finding a deeper connection to true health, healing, and peace of mind.I like to refer to yoga nidra as yoga napping that allows for deep relaxation to deepen your meditation practice.

During Cancer treatment I remember feeling an immense amount of peace and expansion during what most would have assumed to be ‘the most traumatic’ experience of their lives.At the time I didn’t really understand this true peace and creativity flowing through my body but I learned quickly to surrender to it and love my whole self for being alive and welcomed all and any sensations present.It was after treatment that I needed 'iRest' the most - not 'get back to life' so to speak.Truly surrender. Something that became so natural during treatment had quickly drifted away and I didn’t know how to get back to the peaceful bits… the little nuggets of joy and I was craving deep connection and most of all sleep and relaxation.

Yoga Nidra Meditation has given me the tools to understand that during this time I was in ‘awareness’ and the state of ‘pure being’ accepting ‘what is’ and welcoming all that is present with no expectations of changing or fixing anything, just acknowledging that my mind was telling me “I want to live” when in fact “I am alive”.Cancer really taught me to live life day by day and to truly feel emotions as they appear and welcome them in.iRest teaches you to go a step further by welcoming what is present and maybe even ‘inviting them in for tea’.Imagine anger or frustration was present... now imagine welcoming anger or frustration in for a tea party?!Regular practice of iRest, ‘a little and often’ enables you to feel a bit softer, lighter in your day… maybe soften the sharp edges of the ‘daily grind’.

Imagine – Nothing to do… Nowhere to go…

You are healthy, whole, and complete just as you are. Untouched by anything or anyone.  Everything you need is within you.  Feel that.  Feel your true nature - the vitality of your magic in your body.

Yoga Nidra Benefits

  • Increase vitality

  • Deep healing and relaxation

  • Allows your body to rest and reset in 'conscious deep sleep'

  • Enhance concentration

  • Emotional and physical healing

  • Reduce stress

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Change habits that no longer serve you

  • Clear negative thoughts and beliefs

  • Encourage love and compassion for self and for others

Image by Greg Rakozy


What is the biggest 'YES' of your life?

Nikki Magic FUTURSELF Monolgue

Wondering about the inspiration behind the FUTURSELF Monologue?

What would it feel like to live to 108?  That was asked of me.

I made a monologue/video.. It’s 26mins and it wasn't easy AND it was one of the most creatively beautiful, vulnerable, cathartic things I've done for myself.

I’ve been invited to write my own eulogy before – what I love about working with empowered mindset magicians Catherine and Hina is that it really asks you to get real with the hidden beliefs that live deep within you and it invites you to get real honest about what your deepest desires are and what your willing to do to change.

What is your truth and are you living that in your life right now?

NIKKI MAGIC was created out of dreaming up what we call a ‘C Goal’ in the Thinking into Results program.

 A C-Type Goal is something:

  1. You really want;

  2. Lights a fire in your belly;

  3. Causes you to stretch and go beyond where you’ve ever been

  4. Is so big, it scares and excites you at the same time

  5. You have absolutely no idea HOW to reach, you just know you will.

When dreaming of what goal I wanted to set for myself - it wasn’t easy. There is a lot of things that both Victor and I are creating together but I really wanted something for myself.  I thought of a million ideas, there’s a lot I want to do with my life and the thing that stood out more then anything was to teach, share and guide others with the tools that I have been so grateful to learn from all of my combined mentors.  A program filled with all of my magical tools that help me in the good times and even more important in the challenging times.  My ‘life lines’ - the practical tools that in my experience help me live an inspired, creative, joyful, mindful life.
I always knew I was a dreamer (in fact, I was always encouraged by my mother – so from the bottom of my heart, thank you Mom!) but what I’m really noticing and what the NIKKI MAGIC program brought to light is that not everyone finds it so easy to dream.

What I know for sure from my experience on retreat and in the communities of the coaching groups I participate in is that it truly is a gift to create a space where people can speak freely and feel safe to let themselves get lost in the deep desires that live in all of us.
It hasn't always been easy to dream... there are always roadblocks.  The ups and downs of life – and trust me, I’ve had my fair share.  It's a practice - just like anything and at the end of all of it is the gift to know that it is our birthright to dream the biggest dreams.
In the program NIKKI MAGIC everyone is invited to dream, create and learn how to catch our breathe long enough to know that we create our own reality and that it's possible to change belief systems that no longer serve us.
Everyone is invited to create a monologue of your FUTURSELF and during the first program I was invited to also participate. I joked... "I'll do it for my 108th birthday!" - not fully understanding what I was asking of myself.
108 years is a lot of years when you have had limiting beliefs of living a long life after 2-cancer diagnosis. And although I feel I have broken free of many of these old beliefs and understand none of us have guaranteed time - I am human.  Visualizing myself growing old, living a life that is meaningful and full of love and connection tore me to the core - it dug something deep out of me and there were a lot of feelings, emotions and tears.

The soul work that is evolving from NIKKI MAGIC has deeply touched me and I am so inspired by this work. It is a gift and I’m honoured to share through my life experience – it really lights me up and makes every 'shit sandwich' of life's inevitable ups and downs worth going through as we turn our focus to 'the good' in it all. There are people I've met along the way that I can't imagine my life without - so... you heard it from me... I wouldn't change a thing!

I’m sharing the video that I made in hopes that it inspires you to live a beautiful life – no matter what the circumstances.

May we cultivate the magical wonders of witnessing an ordinary world as truly extraordinary unfolding acts of love and kindness in each and every moment.

Special thanks to Molly Magic and to all my loves… my heart, your heart, same heart.


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