Mauna (Sanskrit: मौनम्) | Silence
Working on a creative project and need a quiet space to tune in or maybe just a day of deep rest? Mondays have long been a sacred day for me when I unplug, practice silence, rest and connect to my own personal self-care, spiritual & creative practices.
Come practice the skillful art of 'Restful Rest'.
NIKKI MAGIC Country Home
Caledon, Ontario

In Hindu philosophy, Mauna (Silence), which has a voice of its own, refers to peace of mind, inner quietude, Samadhi and the Absolute Reality.

intentional time of quiet stillness
decreased stress (silence has the opposite effect on markers of stress: It naturally helps the body relax by increasing activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us “rest and digest.”)
improved mental clarity (many studies show that we can think and process our emotions most clearly when we aren’t distracted by noise in our environments)
enhanced self-awareness
improved clarity allows the ability to make better decisions
silence can stimulate growth of new brain cells in parts of the brain responsible for learning and decision making
Access to Creativity, Read Article: The Science of Silence: How Solitude Enriches Creative Work
better sleep
improved relationships (understanding, deep listening including “holding space for someone” without the need to say anything)
“You can benefit from interacting and brainstorming with others, but awesome creative work can be achieved by shutting out the outside world, whilst you insanely focus on your craft.”
The Science of Silence: How Solitude Enriches Creative Work

quiet time | unplug
6:00am Self-Practice Invitation: 30-60min personal ritual before meeting for the day.
9:45am Quiet Arrival
10:00am Opening Circle & Meditation
silence begins after opening circle sharing
11:00am Yoga Nidra & Journaling
12:00pm Silent Light Lunch (healthy catered lunch)
or fasting if this is in your practice
12:30pm QUIET TIME (Rest, Creative Flow, Nature Walk, or just BE)
Creative Project: Bring your own project or I will have some beautiful art supplies out that day for people to enjoy.
During quiet time there will be availability to book 1:1 Dyad Co-Meditations with Nikki & quiet rest Biomat sessions available.
3:30pm Closing Circle
4:00pm Quiet Departure & Integration (Guests are welcome to enjoy the studio space and property until 5:00pm while still practicing silence.)
quiet time | unplug


In a dyad co-meditative experience we welcome what is present through a very intentional active listening exercise using talk, body sensation, breathing and deep listening.
These transformative sessions offer the opportunity to meet what is arising in the present moment from a place of safety and openness without the need to fix or change anything. A dyad can be useful to to tap into a deeper source of creativity, or to investigate self-limiting beliefs, healing emotions or fears. Rather than coming from a place of brokenness or a need to fix or change something; we explore from the place in ourselves that is already whole and beautifully complete. Welcoming old conditioned patterns or some new surprises allows the possibility to discover profound insights regarding what action we may take in our lives to move forward. Dyad work allows us to receive answers that come from our own true knowing and not from the external world.
The BioMat is an FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art of "far infrared light" and "negative ion" technology with the healing power of the Amethyst crystal. This healing mat delivers professional therapeutic results.
Benefits of a BioMat session are:
Deep relaxation
Reduces Stress
Improves Sleep
Relaxes muscles
Removes acidic waste & toxins
Relieves headaches and minor joint pain
Relieves minor muscular back pain
Boosts immune system
Experience a deep 'Restful Rest' practice on the Biomat in Nikki's personal meditation room.

During this sacred practice we will be practicing silence for the day and unplugging from the outside world. I cannot tell you how nourishing and life changing this practice can be.
I invite you all to set your 'Unplug' Intention before the retreat begins. If you live with others (spouse, kids, etc.), ensure you have a conversation days before our time together about why this experience is important for you and that you are planning on disconnecting for the day. Creating clear conversations with our loved ones helps integrate our experience and supports our expectations.
In order for us to completely have the opportunity to nourish our mind/body and tune into our magical intuitive self we must first provide the space and then allow for to fully 'unplug' and get quiet. Practicing silence allows us to get grounded, when too many things around us are moving constantly. This is not always an easy practice but it is one that I promise you will allow your to understand how we numb ourselves with the daily noise/distraction that keeps us busy and away from our most true magical self. When we allow to get quiet and nourish our mind/body the creative being arrives and we tune into the present moment.
Loud noises over 30 decibels increase high anxiety, stress and blood pressure. Silence lowers blood pressure and allows us to deal with life’s challenges in a better way and helps boost our immune system lowering blood cortisol and adrenaline levels. Silence recharges our mind and allows us to get out of our survival and reactive mode of living and thinking. While sleep reboots the mind, silence recharges it and helps to calm the emotions down, detaching from the situation and make more informed decisions. When we allow the opportunity daily to disable our speech and our daily distractions to have an we begin to get a glimpse of our magic, heart centre listening and unveil our deepest dreams and ambitions - it's like revealing the sun behind the clouds. Calming our mind removes the thoughts (clouds), and the spirit; our Higher Self can then shine through.

It's time to slow down, embrace stillness to connect to our creative magic. Restoring our body, mind, and spirit amidst the everyday change in our lives through practical mindset and daily retreat practices that support well-being and the power of your imagination.
My intention is always to offer you a nourishing, healing and soulful space to provide self-care rituals that nourish your soul magic. To offer yourself an opportunity to take time out and go inward to align with what brings you harmony and stay focused on what is best for YOU, particularly when external factors can be extremely influential.
- Nikki Magic

Yoga Nidra Meditation
Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. It is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. This beautiful practice combines deep relaxation, affirmation, breathing, mindfulness, visualization and self-inquiry to body, mind, and spirit and finding a deeper connection to true health, healing, and peace of mind.